5 Common Illnesses Found In JRTs

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Just like all other dogs, the chances of them contracting a disease or illness depends on your specific dog and their health/characteristics. When it comes to JRTs, however, some diseases are more common in their breed and have been common among the years. Here are 6 of the most common illnesses found in JRTs.

1. Hydrocephaly

Hydrocephaly is a neurological disease that can be particularly dangerous for JRTs. It puts pressure on tissue of the dogs’ brain and causes degeneration. This causes them to be more confused, have trouble with running into objections, and be disoriented. These symptoms are also common of other neurological issues, so taking them to the vet at the first sign of an issue is a good idea.

2. Lens Luxation

This is a disease that causes the lens of a JRTs eye to detach. It is inherited from their ancestors and may not be easily noticeable in the early stages. It is more likely to happen in older age, and may result in blindness if not treated promptly. When the lens is fully attached, your dogs eye will turn reddish/opaque. If you notice something like this in your dog, you should take them to the vet immediately.

3. Hernias

Hernias are places on your dog in which internal organs or tissue create a noticeable bump/bulge. They can occur either in the scrotum or navel area, and if you notice one you should see your vet immediately. The severity of the hernia depends on your specific dog.

4. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is when the heart muscle in a dog weakens, can thicken, or stiffen. Along with this your dog may start to develop water in their chest cavity or lungs. There are not many obvious signs of this disease from the start, which unfortunately makes it hard to catch early on. If it is developed over time, symptoms can come in forms of your dog breathing more quickly and tired-like. Also be sure to notice if they seem to be less tolerant to their usual amount of exercise, which should be a lot!

5. Cryptochidism

As complicated as it sounds, cryptochidism simply means that your dogs’ testicles have never descended as they should. This is a fairly easy thing to notice, as your dog will either appear to have one testicle or both at different times. This is not a dangerous condition for your dog to have but it could increase the likely hood of malignancy later in life. You should take your dog to the vet if you notice any of these signs.

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