The first Jack Russell terrier I ever met belonged to an instructor at a nearby riding school. The instructor was small, wiry, all-business, and thoroughly English. She was actually a bit terrifying,...
Category: Entertainment
While some toys may claim to be "unbreakable" they may not know the strength and determination of a Jack Russell Terrier! Here are some of our most adorable yet guilty JRTs showing off their...
With almost 200,000 Jack Russell Terrier owners in one place, we know a thing or two about these amazing creatures. Any time we introduce a puppy to the page, we get so many great pieces of valuable...
Someone once said that your dog knows all of your secrets. They can sniff out when you're not feeling well. They can tell when you're happy, sad, or afraid. And, as we all know, there isn't a dog...
If you hang around the Internet long enough, you're bound to come across articles with titles like The Best Dog For Your Zodiac Sign. Well, we already know that the Jack Russell is one of the...
Fall is here, with all its unique pleasures. Whether that means dramatically changing leaves, or simply Nature turning down the burners where you live, the change in seasons brings good...