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The Jack Russell Terrier is small enough to go almost anywhere its humans go, and brave enough to go even when those humans go to some pretty extreme places.
Meet Bothie: world traveler and companion to famous explorers Ranulph and Ginny Fiennes.
About Bothie
Bothie, one of the world’s most famous Jack Russell Terriers, was a stray pup on the streets of a village in Hampshire, England. At the tender age of one month, he was scooped up and given to Ranulph Fiennes and his wife Ginny, as a present. They named the little pup Bothie.
In Scotland, a bothy is a hut or a shelter left open for use by hikers,
Bothie’s Famous Trip
In 1979, the Fiennes, who happened to be famous explorers, took Bothie along on a three-year around the world trip.
As you might expect, Bothie was a clever and cheerful companion. He was a favorite of the expedition cook. He also had a little, custom-made suit to protect him from the treacherous weather at the Earth’s two extreme points.
Yes, that’s right. Bothie set paw on both the North Pole and the South Pole. He was the first dog to do so, and probably the last, as the South Pole has been closed to animals due to fear of importing disease.
When Bothie and his explorer humans returned, Bothie was voted Pet of the Year!
Read About It!
If you want to read more about Bothie and his adventures, Ranulph and Ginny Fiennes published a book entitled Bothie the Polar Dog. We think you’ll agree: Bothie really was head and paws above the rest.
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