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When it comes to puppies, we believe all puppies are adorable. But we also think that our furry little JRT pups might be some of the cutest pups to ever exist. And to prove our point, we gathered some precious JRT pics! Take a look and enjoy! And send in some of your cute JRT puppy pics!
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Napo being such a good boy!
“Wait I hear something coming from over here!”
Sleepy little baby!
Lexi taking a little nap!
Night night Roxie!
Roky says hi!
These two cuties look like they’re having fun!
Sophie is just too cute to handle!
Precious Maisley!
Pogo making the perfect pose!
“I know, I’m cute!”
“I’m so full, I can’t move!”
Perfect little angel!
Nap time for Candy!
Ruby enjoying the sunshine in her face!