Meet 20+ JRTs From All Over The Globe

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We have the best fans… and they’re from ALL over the world! Here are 20+ photos of the cutest JRTs letting you know where they are from.

Freddy from Portugal

Zara from Switzerland

Lula from Australia

Uno from Sweden! 

Oreo originally from Grand Canaira & now lives in the the UK

Dżeko from Poland

Lucky from Czech Republic

Huckleberry from Idaho, USA

Henry from Austria

Charlie from Italy

Felix from Denmark 

Petra from México

Lilly from Norway

Brian from Ireland

Riko from Bulgaria 

Ole from Germany 

Marcus from Slovakia

Chester from El Salvador

Millie from Scotland

Remi from England

Maximus from South Africa

Hector from Greece

Teresa from Aruba

BB from Thailand

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